His World (remix)

by Zebrahead

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.00  |  Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 5:01 p.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary


Sonic the Hedgehog 2006 OST

Song Author


Tabbed by

James Barlow


1st → Guitar 1
2nd → Bass
3rd → Guitar 2
4th → Percussion

File Size

75 KB




the solo isn't the same, but i'm not gonna sit and figure what exactly the guy is doing whilst he's wanking that neck like he i s so yeah i threw the solo in from the original version which i think sounds fricking sweet.guitar 2 is ideally for a guitar pl aying frontman so yeha that's been changed to fit that role wooo -Edited by Guitar-n00b. (SgirlB101@aol.com) Credit to James Barlow for the original tab. I knew the solo, from when I performed it and went ahead and tabbed it in there. Yeah, the other version solo is alright... but the real one is AWESOME. XD (It's actually easier than you think it is. Tremolos are a pain thou gh. X'D) So there's that. Enjoy!